5311210 Simply Saline Wound Care3in1
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Simply Saline™ Wound Care, 3-in-1

    Arm & Hammer™

    Simply Saline™ Wound Care, 3-in-1

    Simply Saline™ Wound Care, 3-in-1
    • First aid antiseptic
    • No burning or stinging
    • Helps prevent risk of bacterial infection in minor cuts, scrapes and burns
    • Convenient dispenser sprays upside down

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    Product Ingredients

    For Product Ingredient details please visit the following URL 
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    How is the solution sterilized?

    Our sterilization methods are proprietary. Sterilization occurs in an FDA regulated facility in accordance with the relevant national and international standards.

    From where are the ingredients sourced?

    The sodium chloride, water, and baking soda are sourced in the U.S.

    Tested by families like yours. Read the reviews.

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