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Advance™ Clear Gel, Fresh

    Arm & Hammer™

    Advance™ Clear Gel, Fresh

    ARM & HAMMER™ Advance™ Clear Gel, Fresh
    • Long-lasting, 24 hour protection
    • Applies clear
    • Fresh Scent
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    Product Ingredients

    For Product Ingredient details please visit the following URL


    Is ARM & HAMMER™ Advance™ Gel designed to go on clear?

    Gels are designed to go on clear. To help ensure application is clear, a thin even layer of product should be applied.

    How old does my child have to be to start to use this?

    The decision to have your child use this product should be made by you and your child’s physician.

    Tested by families like yours. Read the reviews.

    3 Baking Soda Body Boosters

    See three smart ways to hack your beauty routine with ARM & HAMMER™ Baking Soda.

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